The Ribbonacci Sequence
What is the path forward? Many conservatives are asking this kind of question given the complete lack of a red wave in the 2022 voting and the 2020 debacle. Rush had comments on this in 2018.
What is the path forward? Many conservatives are asking this kind of question given the complete lack of a red wave in the 2022 voting and the 2020 debacle. Such questions are incredibly relevant as they represent questions about what the future holds. Rush had comments on this back in 2018.
“How many seats did the Democrat Party lose starting in 2010? We had the Tea Party that organically erupted, created itself, in opposition to Obama’s spending and Obamacare and it kept growing. 2010 elections, the 2012 presidential race outside of the presidential election itself, then the 2014 midterms, does anybody remember the Democrat Party lost nearly 1200 seats nationwide? House of Representatives, Senate, governorships, state legislatures, even down to talking about mayors, and city managers. Barack Obama dealt the Democrat Party a devastating electoral blow. People were voting against Democrats starting after two years of Obama in office.”
We have now hit two years of President Biden in office. Should we be looking for the same kind of resistance to come in the next round of elections? The Federalist does not seem to think so. They published an opinion piece suggesting that the Republicans may be destined to be the opposition party for an extended period. But is there opposition to the Biden-crime families regime? I would argue yes there is, but it is coming from people the credentialed elites in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, ignore.
The Tea Party was controllable. Americans as a whole had not woken up to how much their political elites hated them. Tea Party leadership quickly was co-opted by RINOs to the point where globalist Paul Ryan was a Tea Party darling for a time. Now, however, with the exposure of the system brought about in part by Trump and in part by independent journalists willing to do the drive-by media’s job for them, it is much harder for a politician to slither into bed with the conservative movement. Because the rising movement is organic, populist, and grassroots-based, it is much harder for the swamp-affiliated DC oligarchs to manipulate and control.
As an example of how the groundswell is making an impact in ways the out-of-touch credentialed elites will never understand, consider Dr. James Lindsay. Lindsay is a mathematician and a disaffected new atheist. He hardly fits the stereotype of a Republican voter. Yet Lindsay has become one of the most significant figures on the conservative right. While Lindsay would describe himself as a classical liberal, his influence within conservatism at the grassroots level is extensive. The term “groomer” being attached to public school teachers and drag queens who attempt to groom children into the trans lifestyle originates with Lindsay. It got so much traction that when gays organized to fight the trans lobby, one of the organizations they founded was called “Gays against Groomers”. Lindsay has also been hosted by organizations like Mom’s for Liberty and Turning Point USA.
Lindsay is precisely the opposite of the cultured, educated caricature our politicians like to present. It is precisely for that reason that he resonates with his extensive audience through his organization New Discourses. Much like former President Trump, he expresses himself like an ordinary American. He swears, makes fun of himself, and, more importantly, gives ordinary Americans words to fight what they know is wrong, but don’t know how to fight. Lindsay is the most prominent voice against the woke Marxists and as such has earned the trust of many ordinary Americans.
Lindsay is but one example of the rising number of online journalists, podcasters, and leaders who are working from the bottom up to try to save America. In a sense, a new Tea Party is rising. Except for this time, the issue is not Barack Hussein Obama’s wild spending. This time it is a fight for the soul of America and even more, a fight for human liberty.
The techno-fascists who dominate the world discourse and attempt to compel ordinary Americans to submit have forgotten one tiny detail. Most Americans reject their woke ideologies. More than half of Americans oppose woke corporations attempting to influence their lives, and the value was outside the margin of error. 64% of voters blame woke politicians for the increase in crime, including over half of Democrat voters! Even worse for the woke, Generation Z, the rising voters, view the woke movement’s systematic cancelation of anyone that crosses them poorly. Over 50% have a negative perception of cancel culture and more have a positive view of capitalism than have a positive view of critical race theory. Couple that with a fourteen-point shift in Latino voters away from the Democrats from 2016-2020 and the foundations for a red wave are there.
The problem remains, as usual, the feckless leadership of the Republican party. Like the spineless balls of primordial ooze they are, they are doing everything they can to surrender this potential for a red wave. It could even be argued that 2022 could have been a red wave had Mitt Romney’s niece not been busy wasting RNC money. However, while the movement is unlikely to make any headway among the credentialed elites in DC, it is making headway on the ground. States are passing laws banning abortion, banning transgender hormones and surgery for minors, banning Marxism from the public school curriculum, and promoting election integrity. It’s all being done without a dollar of RNC money and with effectively no support from party leadership. If the trend continues, and provided election laws continue to be cleaned up, a red wave is a possibility only a few years down the road. There is still a lot of work to be done, but now is not the time to stop. We must win.