Quote of the day May 2nd, 2023
"We've got built-in excuses for failure when it comes to performance in the classroom." - Rush
Today’s quote references the aftermath of the attacks on September 11th 2001. The observation of victim status being conferred was as always, right on the money from the Mayor of Realville. Calling things as they were seen. The progressives are always seeking ways to make people into victims. Place them into classes of people that can be categorized as victims. This was found to be particularly prevalent in schools. Presumptions of PTSD and if not PTSD then many have autism or other learning disabilities. Yet for some reason, there is no push to figure out why these things are happening to children. The CDC noticed the rise in children with learning disabilities with a study that was last reviewed in 2022, in the published article they state “The reasons for these increases were not examined in the current study” How many other problems are being grown into larger and larger issues that we refuse to investigate and solve? How many possible solutions have we not found because we have not bothered to even look? What will that mean to our future and that of our children, and theirs? Americans have always been driven to overcome adversity, yet today we have devolved into a victim culture. When will we start to seek solutions again?
*Note: Our microphone stand is currently empty - "We do not have Rush’s ‘talent on loan from God’, only the words he left behind to guide us.”
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Found this via Ivory's Youtube channel! https://youtu.be/Aycij906sdo Thank you Scott! Wishing you success in reviving Rush's words.