Quote of the day May 26th, 2023
“You know, the state of journalism today is horrible. Things that are untrue just jam pack lies are making it into the news routinely and regularly with sometimes corrections are made, some" - Rush
Whether you refer to them as MSLSD or the Clinton News Network, or the ‘drive-by media’ the disinformation being propagated by the mainstream media in 2023 is horrific. As Todd Erzen of the Steve Deace Show says frequently with sarcastic flourish, Journalism is magical and not at all broken.
*Note: Our microphone stand is currently empty - "We do not have Rush’s ‘talent on loan from God’, only the words he left behind to guide us.”
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They have been working on dumbing down the Amerikan electorate for decades and now all their hard work has paid off. How else could someone "win" an election by sitting in his basement insulting one of his key constituencies? They even allowed the word "gaslighting" to be a thing and voters still don't know the difference. Anyone like Tucker who dares set the record straight must be silenced for this to continue working. Only in Amerika now. Wish you were here El Rushbo!