Quote of the day May 13th, 2023
“Why -- why are they so mad at us?" There's no rational explanation for it. Doesn't matter anyway. They are. Understanding why, the only -- what are you going to do, change?" - Rush
Little has changed since 2001. It does not matter why we are hated, why there is a disdain for all that is American by some people. The question is what are we willing to change about ourselves and our society in response and is there genuine evidence that changes will eliminate this hatred. There are many in the world that will not be pleased until the United States is taken down and we are in a state of poverty and squalor as dire or equal to the most impoverished of nations. We have always been thought to have done what we think is right to help others around the world, what has that achieved? Have those actions always been what we think is right in an altruistic way? In our past, we believe that to the case, we were generally free from corruption in purpose. Take World Wars I and II as examples. This concept seemed to lose it focus with the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. Lately it has appeared that as with so many things, we have been led down a bit of a corrupted path. Actions taken enriching many while transferring wealth from the people of the United States. There should be a pledge to get our own house in order before we aid any other part of the world that is not in calamitous crisis (The result of fire, flood etc). As we are told during an airline safety lecture, put on your own oxygen mask first before aiding others. At present our country is losing altitude and breathing is becoming more difficult, let’s make sure we keep breathing, a healthy constitutionally based United States is best for a healthy world
*Note: Our microphone stand is currently empty - "We do not have Rush’s ‘talent on loan from God’, only the words he left behind to guide us.”
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