Quote of the day March 9th, 2023
“Has it struck any of you that not one network, not one paper has sent a reporter to Ukraine to ferret this story out?" - Rush Limbaugh
Rush emphasized what we all know today, our traditional ‘news’ organizations are no longer performing actual investigative reporting. This has been particularly true in terms of Covid, Ukraine and J6. There have been sporadic appearances of what Rush called ‘accidental journalism’ - such as the currently growing reports of died suddenly. Todd Erzen of the Steve Deace Show says it best “Journalism is magical and not all broken”. It appears obvious that true journalism in mainstream ‘drive-by’ media died a long time ago. Perhaps as long ago as the Vietnam War.
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Bingo, along with NO audit of all the taxpayer money"$500
billion" has been called for ao even suggested by either party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!