Quote of the day March 28th, 2023
"In the rush to explain Mateen's motivations, we have ascribed Omar Mateen's crimes to everything but his most obvious and aggressively glossed over trait." - Rush after the Pulse Nightclub in 2016
In June of 2016, the Obama administration in rapid succession went from assigning radicalization to deciding that the shooter was just a bigot, a story that held until the shooter’s actual information came out. Which revealed that he was mentally ill. That is what most mass shooters have in common, they are mentally ill, in one way or another. Yesterday, history repeated itself yet again. We pray for the children, staff and parents at the Covenant school in Nashville. We pray that we will begin to address the mental health deficits that have been plaguing our country for years. Pray that we will take necessary steps to make horrific acts such as these impossible to carry out.
The story in 2016 was never fully covered to conclusion by the main stream media to explain if the shooter of the Pulse Night Club had ties to terrorism. The full story was never investigated, never proven out. Since the narrative of a lone angry male gunman could not be maintained, the story disappeared as quickly as it could. It is likely the same will happen concerning this incident in Tennessee. The anti-gun narrative does not hold up in the face of mental illness, but we all know that they will try. They will try to blame everything and everyone except for the criminal, the murderer, the person who had no regard for human life. This story is likely to vanish because it does not fit the progressive narrative - we should not let it vanish. The victims of this crime, these innocent children should be kept in our hearts and minds as we should seek to root out this evil, defend against it going forward.
*Note: Our microphone stand is currently empty - "We do not have Rush’s ‘talent on loan from God’, only the words he left behind to guide us.”
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