Quote of the day June 14th, 2023
“I just love it when conventional wisdom is turned upside down" - Rush
In this case, we are speaking of ‘conventional wisdom’ about salt intake. In the past we have had changes in ‘conventional wisdom’ about eggs, caffeine, cigarettes and many other things. The ‘experts’ tell us something and put all their weight and reputation behind it only to have the information contradicted some time later. What has changed today is that if you try to even DISCUSS the ‘conventional wisdom’ now that it has become a ‘narrative’, you are accused of not following experts - you are to be shunned, de-platformed, censored. Nothing is too dangerous to discuss, it is through discussion that good ideas are strengthened and bad ones are dismissed.
*Note: Our microphone stand is currently empty - "We do not have Rush’s ‘talent on loan from God’, only the words he left behind to guide us.”
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They just make it up as they go...