Quote of the day April 17th, 2023
"They were happy to be the lap dogs of the Washington elite and the media, because they were given respect, since they lost with understanding and grace." - Rush
Today’s quote comes from the summer of 2001 reminding us back then that for conservatives to lead, for the Republican party to win, it is imperative that they not be happy in losing. The concept of being in to win every argument, every fight, is anathema to how the past and current establishment GOP behaves. Considering everything that is on the line in the coming days, months and years, that attitude must be changed. We do not need continual compromise, we need principled conservatives pushing for conservative and constitutional values, ideas and ideals every minute of every day.
*Note: Our microphone stand is currently empty - "We do not have Rush’s ‘talent on loan from God’, only the words he left behind to guide us.”
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