Q) How often will subscribers receive email?
A) We will not send emails for every post, only new articles or important announcements, older/archive materials will just be posted and appear at their historical dates.
Q) How does a subscriber reach out for assistance?
A) We value our subscribers and place customer service above all, any questions or problems please feel free to email help@eiblegacy.com
Q) How often is new material posted?
A) We post a quote of the day, every day. Archival materials will be posted as quickly as we are able. New articles, interviews or special events will posted as they become available (we will send notifications of new material)
Q) Will there be forums to explore subscriber topics?
A) Coming soon… we are in the process of exploring the best way to moderate forums.
Q) Will there be an EIB Legacy NFT / or as President Trump put it, Digital Trading Card?
A) We are working on the launch of our NFT series and expect to have them available shortly. We'll send out an email to our subscribers with all the details soon.
Q) Who is running this substack?
A) As stated in our introduction, we are a group of people who worked for and appreciated all that Rush brought to the world in his time with us. We are not affiliated with iHeartMedia or the Rush Limbaugh Estate.