Gender Bender
“Seventy-seven percent of college-degreed Democrats think sex is not determined at birth." - Rush Limbaugh
It was once obvious what the differences were between a man and a woman. At first it was secondary sexual characteristics. Then we discovered DNA and learned that those characteristics were defined by specific chromosomes, the X and Y chromosomes. Two X chromosomes made you a woman, an X and a Y made you a man. It was not something that anyone questioned. Everyone simply understood what a man and a woman was. However, this is no longer a common societal understanding. The left, the self-proclaimed “party of science” has completely abandoned the science underlying the distinction between men and women. Rush revealed just how far from science (and sanity) the left has become in November 2017.
“Seventy-seven percent of college-degreed Democrats think sex is not determined at birth. –it’s a poll—seventy—from the Pew Research Center. Not somewhere out from East Ovary, Wisconsin. This is the Pew Research Center. Seventy-seven percent of Democrats with a four-year degree think sex is not determined at birth. Put another way. Only 23% of college-educated Democrats think that sex is determined at birth. You really—you realize what we are up against here with this kind of—what in hell’s name have these people been taught? And why? Oh, the doctors may say it’s a boy or it’s a girl, but that’s not—no. That’s just what the doctor says. Your sex is not determined until you decide what you want to be. Seventy-seven percent.”
Rush made his comments over five years ago. A March 2022 YouGov poll found it was even worse. A full 70% of Biden voters believed sex could be changed. Note that the demographic is slightly different here, as it includes people without a college degree who voted for Biden. In the same poll 48% of Biden voters thought a gender confused boy should be allowed to play on a girls team and vice versa, with 22% unsure. 88% of Trump supporters opposed allowing gender confused students to play on the opposite gender sports team. The same percentage of Trump supporters believe that it is impossible to change sex. A recent study reminded everyone that there is no biological way to tell a transitioned person from their original sex. Remind me who the party of science is again?
How did we get into this disaster? And why? These questions have answers that are not encouraging. College education as a whole plays a significant role. College professors are almost exclusively Democrats. College professors also give almost exclusively to Democratic political candidates. College campuses are almost exclusively hostile to even the most basic conservative positions, with conservative speakers regularly requiring police protection just to give a lecture. So, take semi-rebellious 18-year-olds, who are still trying to figure out what they believe, put them in a room with a person they perceive as very smart, and let that person tell them sex is not binary and can be changed and this is what you get.
Colleges are not exclusively to blame, however. The entire culture busies itself in promoting this lie. It’s in music, movies, tv shows, books, news stories and on and on. Transgender individuals are portrayed as victims, and it is given out that any criticism of them might provoke them to commit suicide. Once you hear a lie often enough, you start to believe it, unless you have some solid grounding for opposing it, like a strong religious tradition, or a strong science background. However, even the latter is no guarantee. I am acquainted with a PhD virologist who teaches at a major U.S. university who believes sex can be changed.
The bigger question here is why. Why is the idea that sex can be changed being shoved down our throats? The answer comes from people who have transitioned and then realized their error and detransitioned. The horror stories they tell are such that I cannot even write out some of them. Some of the lesser horrors are the inability to bear children, the inability to receive sexual fulfillment, and extreme difficulty in going to the bathroom. Prominent detransitioner Chloe Cole did an interview with Jordan Peterson where she describes just how much she has to go through because of her transition and hers is not even the worst case. Those who transition are signing up for a lifetime of pain, suffering, and misery, compounded by each additional surgery. Such a decision should only be made when the person is an adult and can knowingly consent to such a path.
In Miss Cole’s case, the transition occurred when she was under age. Many others are being pushed down the same path. One Florida based surgeon touted on the Chinese spy app TikTok that she would gladly perform trans surgeries on underage individuals. Many schools will gladly socially transition children behind their parents backs. California passed a law in 2022 allowing minors who wish to transition to come to California so they can do so without parental consent. Never mind the misery, we have to let kids disfigure themselves for life.
In fact, the misery is the point. The Marxists who have infiltrated our society desperately want a revolution to make America the new Soviet Union. However, as Herbert Marcuse pointed out in the 60s, Americans have it too good. We are not miserable enough to want a revolution. Even the poor in America are privileged compared to most of the rest of the world. So economic misery was not going to cause people to rise up in revolution. Nor was racial animus, as conditions for minority groups in the US is much better than anywhere else in the world. Something else was needed to promote the misery that makes people want to revolt.
it is a held theory that leftists believe they have found at least part of their answer in transgenderism. Marxist revolutionaries have always had an interest in unnatural sexual behavior, dating back to the Hungarian Revolution in 1919 and Georg Lukacs who tried to implement aspects of the modern Sexual Revolution as Commissar of Education and Culture for the short lived regime. In the transitioners, and those who detransition, the leftists see a permanently miserable class of people who can be used for the revolution. Unlike economic misery, which can be remedied, the transitioned and detransitioned alike suffer from mental and physical agony which does not easily go away. This permanent pain makes them very vulnerable to left’s false promises.
To convince those vulnerable to the transgender con that it will help them, it must be normalized in society. That is why it is important that the majority of Democrats think it is possible to change sex. Children, who are very impressionable, must be convinced that transgenderism is both normal and cool. Thus, it must be pushed into every area of society so that some children will be convinced, and will transition. There is the belief that the goal is not the transition itself; it is the misery that follows. And that misery creates a permanent Marxist revolutionary class. The transitioning of children must be stopped. It is both child abuse and anti-science. A gender questioning member of our society should only take irreversible actions when they are an adult not a child.
Well, are there solid protections in place regarding the sanctity of what we call human life, be it intersex or otherwise? That'd be a step in the right direction towards nipping this craze in the bud and uprooting some not so long ago sown seeds of dissension from nature. I mean, we're talking outside, inside, out, livin' la vida loca. Does anyone else think Elliott Page looks ironically like David Reimer? & that the stories of detransitioners like Chloe Cole sound eerily similar to Reimer's experience? History is repeating itself with the perversion of willful ignorance and the proclivity of many to turn blind eyes to uglier truths. John Money is a modern day Voldemort. His ideologies teem and thrive like a thorough cockroach infestation. Yet the father of the plague is he who must not be named. To be fair, Reimer was not trans. But neither was Chloe Cole.
At least outside of the education system some people are rejecting the pronoun cult. Unfortunately this means that many of them can't find a job and get funneled right back into the education system to teach the next generation. Hopefully, outside of Academia more people are beginning to reject the woke cult. Definitely time to get people out of public schools though.