Do our regulatory agencies deserve their automatic credibility?
"The CDC has automatic credibility and authority. People just believe in it. It’s the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s part of the government." - Rush Limbaugh
In 2020 we were first introduced to the novel coronavirus Sars-Cov2, better known to most of us as Covid-19. When the Covid virus descended on the world, the drive-bys in the media hyped it up as a second coming of the Black Death. We were told by everyone from the Surgeon General, to the director of the NIH, to the director of the CDC that Covid-19 was going to effectively end life as we know it. Some members of the credentialed expert class even predicted covid would kill around 50 million people worldwide if not stopped. For reference, as of this writing, 6.76 million people have categorized as “died of” covid worldwide. (The Spanish Flu of 1918 was estimated to have taken between 17 and 50 million lives) The fearmongers, however, continued to use Covid to lock you in your home and prevent you from being with grandma as she died, and from going to church or work. In July 2021, a UK government body predicted that a new Covid strain would arise that could kill one in three people infected. The current death rate is approximately 1% and even less for young healthy people.
When the doomsday prediction was released in 2020 no one realized that the government body might not have been giving a warning, but instead making a prediction based on knowledge. Just a few days ago, the inimitable Project Veritas released a video in which an executive from Pfizer admitted that the company was experimenting with deliberately creating new strains of covid, so they could develop vaccines for the new strains. Pfizer responded to the news by claiming that they never perform the so-called “gain of function” research, then proceeded in the same statement to admit to doing it in a different context. Gain of function research was formerly banned in the U.S. but the ban was lifted in 2017. In describing this type of research at the time, one prominent science journal labeled it “risky”.
While the primary focus has been on the gain of function research, Jordan Trishton Walker, the Pfizer executive caught in the sting, revealed something else as well. The regulator community, CDC, NIH, and so on are completely on the side of the pharmaceutical companies. Walker claimed that the regulators are soft on the pharmaceutical companies because they know, if they ever want to stop being regulators, the pharmaceutical companies will be where they need to go to find jobs. In Walker’s words “…they are not going to be harsh on the company where they are getting their job.” Walker also claimed the pharmaceutical industry is “a revolving door for all government officials”. In his own words, the CDC and FDA are compromised.
Anyone listening to Rush would already know this, however, given that he brought up the problem of the CDC way back in 2014. “The CDC has automatic credibility and authority. People just believe in it. It’s the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s part of the government. People have an unquestioning belief in the integrity of the presidency and most of the government. And when those positions are filled with people that have no business being there because they’re not competent, because they are not qualified, then we’ve got a major problem. And that’s what we are facing today.” I doubt even Rush, prescient as he always was, realized just how true this statement was. The CDC is a politicized menace that has caused irreparable harm to America over the last three years.
Rush realized that the CDC, like most other government agencies, is filled with unelected bureaucrats who are either unwilling or unable to hold down jobs in the real world. So they take a government post, get paid many times what they are worth, and dictate to the rest of us how we should live our lives. The CDC did that in a big way when it pushed the covid vaccine on people. It recently added the covid vaccine to its recommended vaccines for children. This undoubtedly will lead to many blue states mandating that children, a demographic borderline immune from serious covid illness, have the shot to attend public schools. D.C. has already mandated it for kids over 12. Keep in mind, that according to a peer-reviewed journal, 13.4% of those who took the vaccine reported serious health problems after taking it. The current death rate for Covid-19 is 1%. So the geniuses at the CDC want to tell parents their kids need to take a shot that has a 13.4% chance of causing serious harm (or death) while children have a risk of death from covid that is roughly 2 in a million. Based on common sense alone forcing millions of children to take the covid shot seems absolutely insane.
Just how compromised the CDC has become is revealed in Steve Deace and Daniel Horowitz’s forthcoming book entitled The Rise of the Fourth Reich. In the book, Deace and Horowitz compare the Covid tyranny to the Nazi’s use of sadistic medical experiments on political prisoners in concentration camps. However, they also reveal that the CDC knew by May 2020 that children were at minimal risk from Covid. The CDC also worked with large private corporations like Facebook and Merck, to censor dissenting views (which often turned out to be correct), and advance their own narrative. (See the twitter files)
Even worse, Deace and Horowitz reveal that the CDC bought tracking data from “tens of millions of phones in the United States”. The purpose of this taxpayer-funded buy was to determine how compliant Americans had been with the CDC-favored lockdowns. The FDA was no better. Pfizer disclosed 1227 deaths in their trials of the covid shot by April 2021. Yet the FDA approved the Pfizer shot anyway. No wonder the late Dr. Zelenko called it a “poison death shot”. Walker appears to be right about the revolving door.
There is much more that could be discussed from Deace and Horowitz’s book and I urge you to pick up a copy either on pre-order or after it comes out on February 14. The key takeaway is that our regulatory agencies have elements that are both corrupt and incompetent. Yet no one in the mainstream media bothers to report on this. It takes outsiders like Project Veritas and Deace and Horowitz to do the drive-bys jobs for them. There is no way we should be vaccinating anyone with a 13.4% chance of a serious medical event, let alone children. Even if the serious events among the vaccinated are over-reported by half, you still have a better chance of serious injury from the vaccine than dying of covid. Oh did I mention that the White House medical team knew that the vaccines would not prevent infection? Or that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the self-proclaimed mascot of science has admitted the vaccines don’t work well? Or that it was known in 2021 that the evidence did not support booster shots? The more you look, the deeper this rabbit hole becomes.
While here is not the place to go into all the science or controversy surrounding the covid vaccines, one thing is certain: our government agencies lied to us. They did it deliberately, repeatedly, and maliciously. Deace and Horowitz are right. There needs to be Congressional investigations, followed by a new set of Nuremberg-style trials for the leaders of these agencies and companies who knowingly pushed and mandated a dangerous experiment on the American people. Sorry won’t cut it. According to the vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS), almost 20,000 people have died from the Covid vaccine. According to peer-reviewed data and a former head of the FDA, VAERS underreports symptoms by 50 fold, or by 99%. Even if we take the more conservative approach, and tack off 30% to make up for people’s change in behavior during a pandemic, the number of deaths is much greater than 20,000. According to estimates, that death toll is much closer to four hundred thousand and that is a conservative estimate. Poison death shots indeed and brought to us by the public-private partnership of pharmaceutical companies and our regulatory agencies. Let the investigations (and later prosecutions) begin.
Powerful groups (ie. States) need to lead this charge. Individuals are basically helpless at this point.
Anyone giving the CDC, DOJ, FBI, CIA automatic credibility is a simpleton.