Ditto-cam clip: How Wealth is Created and How it is Not
How Wealth is Created and How it is Not
This comes to us via YouTube Channel Fent1231 we thank them for maintaining these archives.
From the YouTube description: “You cannot have a command-and-control economy. You cannot have, as your standard operating procedure, the notion that you are going to transfer from earners to non-earners or from producers to non-producers and create wealth. What has to happen is an accompanying change of structure, free markets -- and even then, with free markets, not everybody is going to be wealthy. Not everybody is going to be as prosperous as others. You are still going to have gradations of it, of income and wealth. You can divvy ours up into five quintiles, which is done for study purposes. Bottom fifth, second fifth, third fifth, middle fifth, the top fifth, whatever. You could divide it into tenths or quarters if you want to, but you're still gonna have a disparity, and the best efforts to make everybody the same always fail. It's not possible.”
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End the Fed. I really wish more people in high school took a basic economics class. It's just about impossible to be a socialist if you've had the most basic econ instruction.