A Moral and Religious People ?
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Rush Limbaugh quoting John Adams
Very few sane people would argue that the state of Americans as a people has been improving of late. Crime is creeping up again, we can’t tell a man from a woman, and we’re mutilating the genitals of tens of thousands of children. Any claim America as a whole had to being a God-fearing, moral nation where character mattered is being buried further and further beneath the ashes of the ongoing cultural revolution every day. And that should terrify everyone because the morality of the American people was the stitching that held the nation together. Without it, the country begins to unravel. And Rush, like the Founders, understood this.
“Avarice, ambition, revenge, gallantry would break strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. In other words, our Constitution’s not made for people who are not moral. Constitution’s not made for people who are irreligious. Our Constitution is designed, said John Adams, only for a moral religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other. He knew. He knew that that was the limitation ‘cause that’s who they were.”
The John Adams quote Rush referenced in his 2021 show reads as follows “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Other Founding Fathers had similar views. Madison made similar comments as did others. Many of the Founding Fathers were devout Christians, and all were influenced by a Christian view of the world. Now whether you are a Christian or not, you can appreciate the genius of the Founders in crafting a Constitution that has upheld liberty and anticipated many of the challenges that the enemies of liberty would bring against it. However, the bulwark of the Constitution relies on the people being moral, honest, fair, and upright. With the erosion of religion in the US, this bulwark is beginning to crack.
In 1972, the year after Rush’s voice first graced the airwaves, five percent of the US population claimed to have no religious preference. By 2021, the year Rush passed away, that number had reached 29% according to data from the General Social Survey. According to the same source, seven percent of the country now identifies as some form of homosexual or bisexual. Gallup polling reveals that 66% of Americans believe openly transgender individuals should be allowed to serve in the military. American religion and morality have taken a plunge from a high mountain.
The problems do not end with religion. Violent crime has increased 12% in cities since 2010, and car theft is up 48%. Murder and manslaughter are up 26%, rape 38% and assault 29%. In 2020 alone, the homicide rate alone skyrocketed nearly 29% over the preceding year. Over 1/3 of the US population has been arrested at one point or another and nearly three percent of the country has felony convictions (2017 statistics). It is an ongoing trope that the US leads the world in the number and percentage of its citizens that are incarcerated. We are no longer a nation of law-abiding citizens. We may indeed be considered a nation of criminals. Such a nation cannot and will not be able to maintain the blessings of liberty.
As the social fabric of society breaks down, the liberty that so many Americans have cherished for so long has begun to fade away. We are seeing unprecedented attacks on every liberty the Constitution guarantees to us as Americans. As an example Democratic Representative Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced a bill that is so wild it almost beggars belief. The bill would make people criminally responsible for posting any content which someone else might consume and proceed to commit a racially motivated crime. In other words, it effectively makes it illegal to criticize any non-white person, lest someone read the criticism and go out and commit a hate crime. Effectively this law would permanently end the First Amendment right to free speech. The UK recently arrested a woman for silently praying outside an abortion clinic. While she was later released, this is what we could expect if Representative Lee’s bill is passed.
The First Amendment is hardly the only fundamental right under attack. In his incoherent rant that masqueraded as his State of the Union Address, President Biden called for a ban on assault weapons. His ATF has made a formerly legal style of pistol into a weapon that needs to be registered, effectively making millions of Americans criminals overnight. When the Founders wrote the Constitution, they had just fought a war with the most powerful empire on the planet, in part because said empire had tried to take away their weapons. There were no limits on the weapons a private individual could own. If they wanted a cannon, they could have one. The evolution of weapons raises issues that need to be addressed but the lefts call for a complete ban on assault weapons, which appears unconstitutional on its face. Further, when Democrats use the term “assault weapons”, they do not mean machine guns, or anything like that. They mean any weapon they can convince the public to give up.
With the Constitution under attack on many fronts, and the morality, goodness, and religiosity of the American people in the process of collapse, it would appear Adams was right. Our Constitution requires a moral, religious people. Without those key factors, the liberty we love gradually erodes away to nothing.
Liberty is under constant assault by people who desperately want to achieve ultimate power. The Democrat party has appeared to be relentlessly attacking the foundations of the Constitution and American liberty since the 1910s and Woodrow Wilson. The Founders would be appalled by how much liberty Americans have already surrendered to the globalist technocratic elites. Our healthcare decisions and policies are being influenced if not dictated by world organizations, and, in turn, our government targets us with an endless bewildering array of regulations, laws, rules, and taxes that no one can possibly understand, let alone keep up with. Making it even harder to consider ourselves to be morally upright. Yet even with these challenges, it is important to examine our lives to restore morality, goodness and religiosity to our own families, set an example to the rest of America and advocate to restore our Constitution. It is time for Americans to put an end to the bureaucracy and regain the freedoms promised to us in the Constitution. If we do not do it now, if we fail to stand, our grandchildren will have no liberties at all. The time to act is now, both for ourselves, and our children.
I enjoyed your analysis of America's moral state and the encouragement to get involved. I couldn't agree more, which is exactly why I started my Fantastic Faith substack. We all need to join in the the good fight, however we can, large or small. Typically you create a literal picture worth a thousand words – but this time you used a thousand words to create a conceptual picture. Thanks.